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Thank you for visiting our website. Please read the following privacy policy prior to signing up our newsletter to help you know why, when, and where we use your personal information. Moreover, for how long your personal data is retained with security.

Data Collection:

Your personal information including name, residential address, email, phone number, billing and shipping details like credit and visa card number all are collected to provide you better service right at your doorstep. All the data you provide while signing up to our newsletter would be safely kept under the law.

We may share your information with the third party affiliates that are legally bound to our contracts or whom will process your bulk orders on our behalf. All this personal information is secured via contractual agreement and cannot be shared,

Why we collect your personal info?

Your personal data is assembled for the verification of your orders. Moreover, to update you about the latest additions, collections, discount offers, and sales. Also, to update you about the amendments in the payment policies. We keep this data safe and secured until fulfillment of our commitments and contracts. After this, all your personal contact information will be automatically deleted.

Account Privacy:

We ask that you provide a strong password during the registration process. You are responsible for protecting the secrecy of your password and restricting access to your computer, and you approve to accept responsibility for all activities that occur under your account. Despite our best efforts, we reserve the right to refuse service, dismiss accounts, remove or manage content, or cancel orders at our sole decision.

Your rights:

Customers have the right to request access to their personal information for any kind of correction, or informing incorrect and irrelevant information related to their account. At any stage, consumer may ask to delete his information or to stop its application for direct marketing.

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